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Guest Markets

Consumers today have grown to expect personalized experiences carefully curated to meet their needs as travelers. But, while better access to data and an increasing shift towards customer-centric thinking has enabled hoteliers to better understand their guests, most hotels are still behind in terms of being able to give guests what they really want.
We offer a personalized service for holiday property owners, helping you to perfect the holidays you sell and present them in the best way possible to your ideal market. We have carefully researched the holiday rentals we specialize in and are continually building relations with new partners to help you attract your ideal guest.
With Homerentalia website Villa’s, Apartments and Vacation homes accommodation in Switzerland, Italy, Germany, France and U.K., it’s easy to pick your perfect holiday property and to discover the breathtaking beauty this part of the world has to offer.
The key to succeeding in referral marketing is going above and beyond for your vacation rental guests. Guests want to feel like they have gotten value for what they have paid, and apart from their satisfaction with the property, customer service plays an important role in adding value to their rental. Automated check-in emails with information about the property/area is a good starting point for great customer service.

The next step you can take as a vacation rental agency/owner is to provide welcome packages for your guests as a pleasant surprise.

  • A Gift Card to Local Restaurants
  • Welcome Gift Basket with Holiday Essentials
  • Themed Welcome Gift Baskets that Match Your Property
  • Pick-Up/Drop-Off Services
  • Local Keepsake Packages